Please for your own safety and those around you, seek medical help. Would you be willing to see a psychiatrist?
Resistance is Futile
JoinedPosts by Resistance is Futile
Evil Spirits
by LizLA indoes anyone on this forum have knowledge about casting out demons or evil spirits?
there's at least two of them that have been harrasing me even before i was a jw.
i recently attended a deliverance church to find some help but it was apparent that the holy spirit was missing from that church.
LeavingWT's DA letter
by irondork inthe blood issue has been an ongoing arguement between the roomie and me.
not heated, by any means, but she keeps qouting back established wts reasoning on the subject.
"it's feeding, jason.
Resistance is Futile
The feeding comment got me thinking about something you could bring up with the rommie. The Watchtower currently forbids "feeding" on white blood cells through transfusion. But do you know what passes in large amounts from mother to child when the child is breast feeding? White blood cells. They serve a very important immune function for the baby. So from a creationists viewpoint couldn't it be said that God designed breast milk to contain white blood cells? Why would God design breast milk with white blood cells in it if he specifically forbids "feeding" on white blood cells?
Studying with a JW, need info about Watchtower doctrine.
by Resistance is Futile inmy spouse was raised as a jw but is now free from the "organization".
i've got a ton of in-laws who are still jw's, but have noticed that a lot of the younger ones are starting to slowly realize something is not right in the so called "truth".
i've been studying off and on with one of the relatives and planting little seeds of doubt.
Resistance is Futile
"JWs make their God so petty and small-minded."
I just got a mental picture of God sticking his fingers in his ears like a child and shouting "can't hear you, can't hear you" over and over again. Haha.
Studying with a JW, need info about Watchtower doctrine.
by Resistance is Futile inmy spouse was raised as a jw but is now free from the "organization".
i've got a ton of in-laws who are still jw's, but have noticed that a lot of the younger ones are starting to slowly realize something is not right in the so called "truth".
i've been studying off and on with one of the relatives and planting little seeds of doubt.
Resistance is Futile
I've never been a JW. My spouse was raised as a JW but is now free from the "organization". I've got a ton of in-laws who are still JW's, but have noticed that a lot of the younger ones are starting to slowly realize something is not right in the so called "Truth". I've been studying off and on with one of the relatives and planting little seeds of doubt. In response to one of my recent tough questions about Watchtower doctrine I got this response,
"If you are having trouble understanding this teaching, you should pray to Jehovah about it. With help from his Holy Spirit, you might just find the answer you're looking for."
I understand that he's just trying to deflect from the issue that Watchtower doctrine doesn't hold up to analytical investigation, but in the context of Watchtower theology does him statement make any sense? According to the Watchtower does Jehovah here the prayers of non-JW's? Is Jehovah's Holy Spirit available to non-JW's? Is Holy Spirit even available to members of the "Great Crowd"?
I apologize if these are dumb questions, but I'm just wondering if I should bring up these issues to him. I do find it ironic that when I first started studying with him he made comments about pastors of Christendom telling their followers to "just have faith" when asked difficult questions. But when I start asking difficult questions about what the Watchtower really teaches he essentially commits the same actions he was condemning other religions for.
How did plants survive the Flood?
by dgp innoah is not said to have carried plants in his ark.
supposedly the flood was severe enough to cover "even the tallest mountains", which would mean that mount everest was covered.
and this for forty days.
Resistance is Futile
"Cultures besides the Hebrew one have a flood "myth" going to around the same time."
Which cultures?
Is the "Watchtower Study" = Question and answer a form of brainwashing??
by Witness 007 inon sundays study we were always told to keep answers brief and from the paragraph as some brothers would add "other meterial" to their comments.
the "correct" answer is right there in the paragraph.
read question --------find answer in paragraph------underline/highlight------read related {not] scripture-----raise hand---give answer from paragraph as though it's your own thought.
Resistance is Futile
Speaking of "brainwashing" or thought reform, lets see how the Watchtower views it. How this article was every printed I'll never know. I suspect there might be an "independent thinker" in the writing dept. From the Awake! 2000 June 22 in the articles "The Manipulation of Information" and "Do Not Be a Victim of Propaganda!"
"The cunning propagandist loves such shortcuts-especially those that short-circuit rational thought. Propaganda encourages this by agitating the emotions, by exploiting insecurities, by capitalizing on the ambiguity of language, and by bending rules of logic.
Certainly, the handiest trick of the propagandist is the use of outright lies.
Another very successful tactic of propaganda is generalization. Generalizations tend to obscure important facts about the real issues in question, and they are frequently used to demean entire groups of people.
Some people insult those who disagree with them by questioning character or motives instead of focusing on the facts.
The sly art of propaganda can paralyse thought, prevent clear thinking and discernment and condition individuals to act en masse.
Emotional appeals are fabricated by practiced publicists, who play on feelings as skillfully as a virtuoso plays the piano. For example, fear is an emotion that can becloud judgment.
There is a difference-a big difference-between education and propaganda. Education shows you how to think. Propaganda tells you what to think. Good educators present all sides of an issue and encourage discussion. Propagandists relentlessly force you to hear their view and discourage discussion. Often their real motives are not apparent. They sift the facts, exploiting the useful ones and concealing the others. They also distort and twist facts, specializing in lies and half-truths. Your emotions, not your logical thinking abilities, are their target.
The propagandist makes sure that his message appears to be the right and moral one and that it gives you a sense of importance and belonging if you follow it. You are one of the smart ones, you are not alone, you are comfortable and secure-so they say
So we need to be selective. We need to scrutinize whatever is presented to us, deciding what to accept and what to reject. Also, if possible, try to check the track record of those speaking. Are they known to speak the truth?" -
I found it!
by N.drew inthis is an illustration that best describes in human terms what i believe eve did.. picture the litle pieces of paper that contain an alcohol prep swab.. sometimes i come accross one that is old*, and it's been hanging around for a while.. so what comes to mind is; "i wonder if it is still damp?".
i could open it to check (that is what our mother did).. or i could throw it away (that is what god did not do).. or i could leave it alone.. if i open it, then i will either pretend i need it and use it, then throw it away.. or i should throw it away.
Resistance is Futile
You're making absolutely no sense. Step away from the computer.
Sitting Still at Meetings has Become an Impossibility
by venusinfauxfurs insince i know the truth about jw, and still have to go to meetings for family reasons (and because i don't want to leave my friends, either) i get so sick in my chair in the hall.
i can't pay attention, i can't sit still knowing it's all such a waste of time and a big fat lie.
i get weird symptoms like: the feeling that i'm going to almost pass out, very sweaty or very cold, and weak legs though i'm sitting down, and the urge to get up and run away.
Resistance is Futile
Your sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight response) is being over stimulated because on some level your brain perceives the environment of the Kingdom Hall as a threat to your wellbeing and safety. This is actually a very "normal" response to what you're currently going through. So while your doctor may have told you it's "all in your mind" that's not completely accurate. Yes the panic attacks do originate in your mind but you are certainly experiencing very real physiological effects. During these episodes your body is releasing large amounts of adrenaline which then circulates through your bloodstream and causes the symptoms you described. Talking to a trained psychologist should help considerably. Of course venting here with people who can directly relate to what you're going through can also help.
why JWs doesn't celebrate birthday?
by vientotz ini'm so curious, why they're not celebrating their birthdays?
is it just because jesus don't celebrate it and it's not written in the bible that they celebrated the birthday of jesus?
or is it written in the bible not to celebrate birthday?
Resistance is Futile
JW's don't celebrate the anniversary of their birthday because they're not allowed to. Nowhere in the Bible is there a rule or commandment that you can't celebrate or acknowledge the anniversary of your birthday. It's a man made rule. Did you know that if a JW openly "celebrated" the anniversary of their birthday they would be kicked out of the religion and shunned by all their friends and family? Stick around, you can learn a lot about the religion. I would also recommend you visit if you want to learn more about the JW's.
Resistance is Futile
Don't forget bout them taking God out the schools. God must be real mad right bought now.
I think I'm going to draft up a few charts showing the correlation between US debt and the increase in TV sitcoms. That's right, as the debt has increased over the last few decades so has the number of TV sitcoms. Therfore this must prove that the increase in sitcoms has caused the increase in debt. I'll soon have the charts and graphs to demonstrate my groundbreaking theory.